Thou shalt not crowdfund!

This one is more of a commandment than a tip, but I see so many start-ups rushing into crowdfunding, putting in loads of time and effort only to sit there Continue Reading →
This one is more of a commandment than a tip, but I see so many start-ups rushing into crowdfunding, putting in loads of time and effort only to sit there Continue Reading →
Starting a business from scratch is challenging. It helps if you have passion for what you do and believe in your product. Despite that it will be hard to stay Continue Reading →
Avoid the temptation to give away or discount your products or services. People just do not appreciate free stuff and they will resent having to pay your real price later. Continue Reading →
Follow your dream! If you have a great idea, if you have a special talent, if you want to start your own business, then do it! You don’t need to Continue Reading →