The ultimate self-coaching question

If you were your own coach, what advice would you give yourself right now? That is the ultimate self-coaching question, but it comes with a little proviso. A famous person Continue Reading →
If you were your own coach, what advice would you give yourself right now? That is the ultimate self-coaching question, but it comes with a little proviso. A famous person Continue Reading →
Know Thyself, admonished the ancient Greeks, failing, however, to provide instructions on how to do it. Of course they meant the inner self, the true self, the one that’s hiding Continue Reading →
Most of us, when we think about how far we’ve come in life, tend to immediately focus on the lack. We think about what we haven’t done or achieved. We Continue Reading →
Are you giving your power over to others? The answer to this question is easy: if you think of someone as the cause of your grief, you have handed them Continue Reading →
Weird question, I know, but it is a perspective shifter. Every time you find yourself angry at someone or something it is because they (it) did not live up to Continue Reading →
Do you dream about doing something with your life, other than work and pay bills? You don’t have to quit your day job to pursue your dream. You can start Continue Reading →
Want to make your life easier? Have fewer things to worry about? Be more at peace and feel happier? That’s easy – just unclutter your life. Here’s how: clear your Continue Reading →
Make it a habit to tell one person a day what you appreciate them for. Put it on your daily to do list. People who clean your office, people who Continue Reading →
Seems like a stupid question but you’ll be surprised how much clearer and sharper your understanding will become if you spend a little time pondering what it is that you Continue Reading →
If you’ve done a bit of living, you have emotional baggage. You are so used to it you don’t even notice it.
You probably think it makes you who you are. It does not. Who you are lays underneath your emotional baggage.
So drop it. Stop carrying it around and inflicting it on other people.
Ask yourself: “what’s my emotional baggage and how can I let go of it? Continue Reading →