A Fireside Chat (GPT)

I’ve used ChatGPT before, mainly to help with a piece of writing, but today, for the first time, I decided to see how it would hold up in a real Continue Reading →
I’ve used ChatGPT before, mainly to help with a piece of writing, but today, for the first time, I decided to see how it would hold up in a real Continue Reading →
The mind is a wonderful tool which manages all aspects of our life for us.
Problem is, these days there are so many things to think about and take care of that our minds get cluttered and inefficient Continue Reading →
You begin to reach for the stars when you no longer believe that more stuff and entertainment is what life is all about. When you step out of that mentality, the real stars become visible so you can begin the journey to reaching them.
If you are serious about taking charge of your own destiny, consider taking this life-changing workshop: Design Your Legacy Continue Reading →
If you want to make life easier for yourself, your bosses, your colleagues and your employees, learn to HEAR what they are saying. Because often what people say is not quite what they mean to say.
To be a good listener, work on developing the following habits:
1) Do not multi-task – give the person your full attention
2) Don’t interrupt, don’t react, don’t volunteer your opinion – wait for a natural lull to ask your questions
3) Ask clarifying questions without making any judgements – avoid passive aggressive language
4) Listen with your eyes as well as your ears – watch their eyes and facial expressions
5) Re-state what they are saying back to them using their own words and expressions – if appropriate.
If you are serious about taking charge of your own destiny, consider taking this life-changing workshop: Improve Your Important Relationships Continue Reading →
Example of vague goals: ‘I want more money’, ‘I wish I was better at communicating’, ‘some day I’ll do that course’. Example of specific goals: ‘I want to earn 200Ks this year’, ‘I practice my communication skills’, ‘I scheduled the course at the end of November’. Remember: garbage in – garbage out.
If you are serious about taking charge of your own destiny, consider taking this life-changing workshop: Create Your Own Life Plan Continue Reading →
Whether or not you’re a good communicator, you can always be better. So take courses, attend seminars and read books on communication but most of all, learn by observing those people in your organization who you think have better communication skills. Simply pay attention to what they do and how.
If you are serious about taking charge of your own destiny, consider taking this life-changing workshop:Improve Your Important Relationships Continue Reading →
Don’t wish your problems away. It won’t work anyway, and even if it does, you’ll never learn anything or do anything worthwhile. If, however, you learn to deal with problems, you might start to enjoy yourself. For example, skis were invented to deal with the problem of mobility in snow and now skiing is a major source of fun.
If you are serious about taking charge of your own destiny, consider taking this life-changing workshop: Creative Thinking and Problem Solving Continue Reading →
Most people pursue wealth as a means to attaining a life. Even if they manage to achieve financial success, they are rarely satisfied. Life becomes a succession of mindless thrill seeking and keeping up with the Joneses If however they find their life’s work and become really good at it, wealth will come naturally and bring happiness, not misery.
If you are serious about taking charge of your own destiny, consider taking this life-changing workshop: Create Your Own Life Plan Continue Reading →
When it comes to views on Afterlife, there are three main groups of people. The largest group by far are the Religionists. These people usually hold vague notions about Heaven Continue Reading →
You’ve got to be both a manager and a leader. Either one by itself is not enough. If you’re just a manager, you’ll never get the best out of your people. If you’re just a leader, you’ll have trouble getting things done. You’ve got to find the balance between the two that is right for your area, your department, your organization.
If you are serious about taking charge of your own destiny, consider taking this life-changing workshop: Improve Your Important Relationships Continue Reading →