Defragment Your Mind

In the 21st century, our minds are our most important assets.

Modern living fills our heads with a barrage of thoughts, ideas and plans, all of which compete for our attention, time and resources.

In addition to that we’re bombarded on a daily basis with enormous amounts of information from the TV, the newspapers and the Internet.

Our minds get cluttered and filled with junk, creating stress and feelings of being overwhelmed by life.

Staying on top of everything often requires extreme acts of juggling and balancing in our heads.

In order to prevent our brain from constantly running in the overdrive mode, we need to de-clutter and re-prioritize the content of our mind on regular basis.

This workshop will help you take all the information out of your brain and into a neatly structured and organized system. A system that will allow you to evaluate your priorities and create a complete manual for a focused, disciplined and balanced approach to managing all areas of your life.

dreamstimeextrasmall_22983875The system divides life into four major areas: SELF, FAMILY, WORK and MONEY.

Self is all about you – mind, body and spirit.
Family is about your loved ones.
Work is about your life’s work or your legacy.
Money is about your finances.

In each of these areas, the system will lead you through a structured process of eliciting your values, your hopes and dreams, your ideas, goals and plans.

Completing this elicitation process will provide you with a comprehensive view, which will allow you to step back and look at your life in its entirety.

You’ll end up having a neatly structured repository for the content of your mind – one you can instantly refer to, update and add to, and use it as a roadmap to achieving what you want in life – be that health, wealth, great relationships, enlightenment or simply peace.

The workshop is led by a live facilitator – me :-).Alik_Barsegian_LN
My name is Alik Barsegian and I work as a Management Consultant, helping large organizations improve their performance and achieve their goals through clarity, planning and focus.

My corporate experience has led me to create the Focus, Plan, Achieve system (for myself, initially) which I now offer to other busy individuals to help them de-clutter their minds and organize their lives better.

My job, as a Facilitator of this workshop, is to provide structure and direction, answer questions and offer feedback throughout the process.

Communication between us will occur through a secure private forum, dedicated exclusively to you, and accessible only by you and me.

At the beginning of the workshop I will sign a non-disclosure agreement to protect your privacy.

This is a self-paced workshop, designed so to allow you the freedom of working through it a little at a time or all at once, depending on your availability.

You can take as long as you need to complete each step and are free to progress through the workshop at your own pace.


To facilitate this freedom, the workshop is provided as a monthly subscription service.

the current monthly subscription fee is AU$465.00 only AU$299.00

!!!!——-  Choose the Pandemic Super Special below  ——-!!!!!

This will enable you to:

  • Implement a system for de-cluttering your brain
  • Maintain conscious control over how you spend your time and energy
  • Successfully manage competing priorities
  • Create a blueprint for achieving success in any area of your life
  • Keep positive, motivated and focused
  • Track your progress and know exactly where you’re at – at all times!
  • Focus yourself on what’s important and remain focused despite interruptions.
  • Maintain a sense of clarity and purpose
  • Boost your productivity and accomplish far more than you would otherwise

It will be my privilege to facilitate and help you achieve outstanding results in your all areas of your life!

The monthly subscription entitles you to a 1 hour of face-to-face contact with me on Skype and unlimited email and forum posts communications.

There are no obligations – you can cancel at any time.

I offer unconditional money back guarantee: if you think your investment was not worth it, you’ll get a full refund, no questions asked.

The only commitment I ask for is to yourself and to your success!

Click here for Pandemic Super Special $99.00

Let’s get started!
