If you want to develop or continue to have great relationships with other people – your spouse, children, siblings, parents, other family or friends, you must continuously work on maintaining and improving these relationships.
Like anything else in life, relationships are affected by entropy. This means that if you’re not actively working on the relationship, it will eventually fall apart.
People change. They grow, develop and move on.
Working on a relationship means firstly being aware of your own growth and development and being able to communicate what help and support you require from the other person.
Conversely, if you don’t understand what stage of development / growth the other person is at, you won’t be able to support him or her in that process and the two of you will eventually drift apart.
Great relationships take work, conscious, determined effort, loads of patience and a desire to succeed.
This workshop will help you identify what it is you need to do in order to be more in tune with the important people in your life and be able to handle your side of the relationships as best you can.
The workshop is led by a live facilitator, who’s job is to provide a structure and direction, answer questions and offer feedback throughout the process.
Communication between you and the facilitator will occur through a secure private forum, dedicated exclusively to you and accessible only by you and your facilitator.
At the beginning of the workshop the facilitator will sign a non-disclosure agreement to protect your privacy.
This is a self-paced workshop, designed so to allow you the freedom of working through it a little at a time or all at once, depending on your availability.
You can take as long as you need to complete each step and are free to progress through the workshop at your own pace.
To facilitate this freedom, the workshop is provided as a monthly subscription service.
the current monthly subscription fee is $465.00 only $299.00
!!!!——- Choose the Pandemic Super Special below ——-!!!!!
As an added bonus, if you finish before the month is up, you can get started on any other of our workshops at no extra charge!
The monthly subscription entitles you to a 1 hour of face-to-face contact with your facilitator on Skype and unlimited email and forum posts communications.
There are no obligations – you can cancel at any time.
The only commitment we ask for is to yourself and to your success!
Click here for Pandemic Super Special $99.00